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Using digital tools while reading a book

In fifth grade, we have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We have been reading some chapters at school, and the pupils have been reading at home too. The focus has been on the feeling of reading together and to experience that we can read an entire book at English even though it can be difficult. Beside that, we have also worked with adjectives. We have talked about what these words can do to a story and the way we understand the text. While reading the chapters at home, the students had to find all the adjectives in the chapter as well.

We have collected the adjectives in the online program Padlet. The pupils can write the adjectives while they read, and see what the other pupils have been writing.

Halfway through the book, I divided the pupils into four groups. Each group got a child from the book, and had to read the chapters belonging to their child. When they finished reading, they had to show the content of the chapters either by making a video or a comic strip. For the comic strip, the students used the program Pixton. For the video, the students used either Wevideo or IMovie.

The students had a lot of fun making the products and used about four lessons to read and make film/comic strip. Afterwards they showed their products in class, and the other pupils could ask questions for the chapters. We ended working with the book by reading the last chapters together and then see the movie.

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