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English teacher meeting at Vester Nebel School

Twice a year we have an English meeting at our school, where all the English teachers get together and discuss English teaching for two hours. At the meeting in May, we told the other teachers at our school about how far we are in the project and what we have learned so far. We showed them activities and materials from the Teacher Training Weeks in the Netherlands and Denmark and tried some of them out. It gave some of the other teachers new ideas for their own teaching.

We talked about making an English section at our library, so the students can borrow English books to read at home, and we will continue with this idea in the coming period.

Inspired by the project and the focus on the transition from primary to secondary, we talked a lot about making the transitions easier at our own school. If it is possible to make the transition from each grade easier for the students, even if they change teacher along the way. Our thought is to make an overview for each grade, so we commit to teach some certain areas and a few topics. In that way, it is easier for the next teacher to know what the students have been working with even if the approach and some of the other topics are different.

We will start working with this in the start of the coming school year, and implement it in the year after.

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